Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Responsibility sucks, kids are messy and a wonderful weekend

A very long title to describe pretty much the three things I have to say.

Firstly I'm going to winge.
So no skype calls for the last month because we have been over in our internet bandwidth. Which means I don't get to talk to anyone from the states except my parents if they call me. Unless I use my cell...which is expensive...thus the winging part. My second bill (due the 24th of April) is a grand total of 70£!! That was due to a 30-40min conversation to bill is suppose to be 10£, it has yet to be 10£. Last month is was 40£ again due to Cali calls. Anyway b/c of my high phone bill I've decided to not go to London this weekend to see my boyfriend so that I can pay the bill and still put money into savings. Which is lame as I only get to see him on the weekends anyway...thus responsibilty sucks!

Onto Kids are messy....I know that sort of A) says it all and B) is rather obvious. But after two months here you get a bit tired of it. I have always worked in camps with kids. They are sooo much fun and yes a bit messy (especially if its bubble day :D) but w/e no biggie, I don't constantly clean up after them. Here TJ asks me to fold their clothes in the drawers b/c they have been tossed about. Well no sooner do I do it. Spending about 15 or so min to carefully arrange the clothes in neat piles. Shorts here, trousers here, short sleeved shirts here, etc...then do one or both of the girls come along and go "OMG, where is this one top I want"...let me pull EVERYTHING out to find it. They may bother to stuff the clothes back in drawer if you're lucky or their closet just looks like a bomb went off. AND I remember being this way. I remeber the physical pan I got when my mummy told me to clean my room up. Usually it just wouldn't happen. It literally was painful. So I understand but its soo bizarre. That and just taking 10 extra steps to put something away properly vs. leaving it on a random table or whatever. Haha...sighhh kids. They do say some hilarious stuff though.

On a more positive note the weekend was lovely. Met Ross' old friend Rhys on Friday at a birthday party. He was good fun to chat with but we blame him on me being slightly more pissed than..well not when Ross and I left. Saturday was a quiet day due to Friday night and then Saturday evening we went out to Helena's birthday at the Albernache in Trafalgar sq. She had rented a really lovely little room at the top of the stairs. I met and spoke with several new people and immensely enjoyed the canepa's that were passed about as I had failed to have proper dinner before hand. Towards the end of the evening the people that were left moved downstairs to the club area and had a large booth to our selves. Which made me feel like we were in a cave, in a nice way. Dimly lit, walls on three sides and a convex ceiling also much cooler than the room upstairs which was nice. Eventually it was just Helena, Robbie, Ross and I left and we did a b it of dancing before heading home.

Sunday was up at 9 and went with Ross to Rynes park to watch him play some footie. His team did play better than the first time I saw them unfortunately not well enough to win, but hey ho. After match we went to my cousin Julia's in chiswick and had a most wonderful lunch out in the sun. It was my favorite part of the weekend and I was pleasantly surprised to find that my other cousin Gabrielle had juggled things about so that she could come as well and meet Ross. The 5 of us had very yummy starters which consisted of meat things, toasty baguette bits with olive tapenade and etc. Then lunch was tasty lamb and really fabulous roast potato's. It was just so warm and lovely that day ad I was so pleased to be doing the introducing that time (as usually Ross is introducing me to his mates) and for family and boyfriend to get together. It was just so perfect.

Well I best get on with doing work its about 1/2 10 now...oo should go check post as well. Expecting my very first wedding invitation to arrive in the mail today :D!


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